Unlocking Astedt’s Strategy: A GTO Wizard Dive into Thin Value Betting 

Contents. The Arm. The Examination. Was Astedt’s river wager a successful venture? Summary. In elite poker, top players often spot chances that puzzle the rest of us. One such player is Niklas Astedt, who notably finished second in the EPT Prague €50,000 Super High Roller. In a significant hand against eventual winner Thomas Santerne, Astedt made a bet with third pair, was called by his French opponent, and ended up winning the hand. GTO Wizard analyzes this bold river strategy employed by the Swedish player. GTO Wizard: How to Play Pocket Jacks. The Arm. With seven players remaining and only five paid positions, Astedt and Santerne were competing for the chip lead when the hand took place. In a blind-on-blind situation, both Santerne and Astedt checked the flop of K♦J♣2♦ and the turn card Q♥, with the river card being 9♥. Santerne verified, and Astedt made a bet of 20,000 with approximately 36,000 already in the pot. Santerne called the bet but folded when Astedt revealed J♠8♥, which was a third pair, leading their tablemate Sam Grafton to exclaim, „What just happened!“ 

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