The Verkhovna Rada Committee approves closure of KRAIL in Ukraine 


The Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Tax, and Customs Policy has advised that draft law No. 9256-d, aimed at enhancing the battle against gambling addiction and refining state oversight of gambling and lottery activities, be approved in its second reading and as a whole. This was announced by the committee’s leader, Danylo Getmantsev. He noted that the draft law underwent significant revisions prior to the second reading, incorporating various proposals and amendments considered by the Committee during this process, which include: dissolution of the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAIL) and the allocation of its responsibilities to the appropriate ministry and a newly established non-collegial organization. The advertising of gambling is banned, with the exception of a restricted set of approved methods, and sponsorship is also banned, except for sponsorship in sports. The modernization of state supervision tools for the gambling market involves introducing controlled play as a regulatory measure to take the place of physical inspections. To address gambling addiction, the bill includes measures to block illegal websites, strengthen requirements for organizers, expand the reasons for license revocation, mandate that gambling organizers process all non-cash payments solely through banks, and enhance the standards for the State Online Monitoring System (SOMS), among other provisions. enhancing the laws governing state lotteries, specifically by setting consistent standards for gambling organizers regarding ownership structure, criteria for a strong business reputation, conditions for license cancellation, branding standards, and payment requirements during state lotteries. Changes to the law titled „On the Protection of the Interests of Entities Submitting Reports and Other Documents During Martial Law or a State of War“ have been made regarding the resumption of reporting for gambling organizers and state lottery operators, among others. Previously, Daniil Getmantsev, the Head of the Tax Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, articulated reasons for the planned dissolution of the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAIL) in the upcoming weeks. Getmantsev emphasized: I believe the blockage is occurring within the commission we established.


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